2011년 수능 평가원 외국어가 생각나는 빈칸.같이 풀어봐요
게시글 주소: https://snu.orbi.kr/0002421094
The practical values, are created, sustained, and developed by practitioners who are in direct contact with the external world at the requisite point. Theirs' is the only authoritative and responsible judgement as to what is valuable, and all generalization upon the nature of value and the valuable has to recognize its dependence upon them. New and unforseen developments at these points of direct contact are always possible, and in such cases it will always be difficult to tell ___________________________________ even though any of which are done by the people of practices.
*Requisite 필수적인.
1. the potential possibility of success that lies within the project
2. whether such developments would work in reality
3. simple caprice from fruitful innovation
4. that it would be a disaster to do
5. people to replace it with old models
1년전 모의고사에는 항상 이런식으로 철학비스무리한 주제가 킬러가 나왔었는데 요즘 난이도와는 전혀 다른...
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3일 전 글인데 댓글이 하나도 없네요... 혹시 답은 2번인가요? 외국어 허접이라 자신없음 ㅠㅠ
아녜요.제가만든 문제라. 문제가 좀 허접하긴 한대 답은 분명히 있어요
맞추셨는데 어떻게 찾으셨지요?
제가 만든 문제인데 근거가 빈약해서 안쓸까 생각하던중이었어요. 1,2,4,5선지가 좀 허접해보였나요?