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Dongduk Women's University's student council criticized the university for accusing students of protesting based on misinformation and urged the administration to formally commit to halting discussions on becoming a coeducational institution.
"The president's statement mentions there is 'false' information that the university is secretly planning to become coeducational," read a statement from the student council on Wednesday. "However, just a few sentences later, the statement acknowledges that plans to become coed were included in the development plan for the College of Design and College of Performing Arts."
"It appears the university is trying to portray students as acting irrationally based on untrue or undecided information, but the statement itself confirms that coed plans have been discussed," the statement said.
Dongduk Women's University President Kim Myung-ae issued a statement late Tuesday, noting that violence on campus and the occupation of the main building stemmed from misinformation that the school was planning a covert shift to coeducation. Kim clarified that while the idea had been discussed, it had not been formally presented as an agenda item.
The statement outlined that discussions about future plans for the College of Design and College of Performing Arts had been underway with faculty since September. The coeducation proposal for these colleges was introduced to the committee on Nov. 5, with plans to gather further input from university members.
"Becoming coeducational isn't a decision the university can make independently. Input from university members is essential," the president's statement read.
The statement also warned that students would be held accountable for any damages caused by the ongoing protests.
The student council called on the university to formally abandon coed discussions and issue an apology to students.
"Student representatives were not part of the committee discussing future plans, and the council only learned about the committee’s existence and related information through the president's statement," the student council said.
"Even if the university claims it was planning to seek input from members, we remain skeptical and concerned that this process would ultimately be used to justify pushing forward with their plans," the statement said.