-_- 수능특강 TEST2강에 1번 예일대에서 퍼온거네
게시글 주소: https://snu.orbi.kr/0008306494
The Yale University Library welcomes gifts of books and other cultural heritage materials that extend and complement ➀existed collections. Gifts of books and other cultural heritage materials have helped strengthen our collections through the years. Since its inception, some of the Library’s most important collections began with donations from individuals. Yale University is said to have been ➁founding with a gift of books.
➂Due to the high cost of processing and storage, however, the Library is not able to accept all in-kind gift offers. Our intention in accepting gifts is that they be added to our collections. Therefore, we make every effort ➃to accept only items appropriate for addition.
If you are considering a gift of materials to the Library, please refer to our policy, Donating Gifts and Other Materials. Donors wishing to give rare or unique material to the Library ➄are encouraged to contact the appropriate Yale special collection ➅directly. If you would like to discuss the possibility of a gift or have a question, please contact Alan Solomon, Head of Humanities Collections and Research Education, (203) 432-1778 or alan.solomon@yale.edu. We regret that we are not able to accept drop offs of large amounts of gift materials unless prior arrangements ➆have been made.
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유익한 글을 읽었다면 작성자에게 XDK를 선물하세요.
영어학한지 오래되서 자세한 토론은 미리 거절합니다.. 죄송.. 걍 재미삼아 한번...
-_- 수능특강 TEST2강에 1번 예일대에서 퍼온거네 11
The Kortek University Library welcomes gifts...
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어떻게 찾으심 ㄷ
요새 교재 작업하는데 -_- 친구가 도와주다가 얻어걸림여;
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